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By allowing for these senses to act as filters the information in your frontal lobe, the lobe can effectively process sensory input, and not be completely overwhelmed by the sensory input. The cerebrum then sends output signals to various areas of the brain like motor cortex, prefrontal area and the temporal area. Output signals to the motor cortex is mainly responsible for the control and precision of movements. The output signals to prefrontal area provides the cognitive processing capability such as the ability to create concepts in mental imagery and the ability to maintain focus. The temporal area can also be said to assist in a "slow, steady pace" that makes it easier to function on a daily basis. Although there are many different methods of helping a person move over time, the idea of training or using drugs to help with movement, or make it more efficient and smooth, is nothing new. However, in the 1960s, scientists realized that alcohol was a chemical substance that can affect the brain in these very important ways. A large body of research later determined that alcohol interferes with the function of neurotransmitters that were necessary for healthy cerebral function. In fact, when Cheap valium topix the alcohol reaches brain, it stops many neurotransmitters from being released, and consequently, the functioning of our brain continues to degrade. The neurotransmitters responsible for controlling impulses such as dopamine, serotonin and noradrenaline, are very important for normal brain function. Without these neurotransmitters, motor functions like the one you are reading this article would be incredibly difficult, perhaps impossible. In addition, alcohol interferes with many types of neurotransmitters, and alcohol affects many of them differently than others. Thus, it is not always possible to compare or these different ways of affecting motor function on the brain. It is also important to note that the alcohol affects different parts of the brain at different times. Some people have had trouble with alcohol addiction, but did not become affected until years later. Others experienced a decline before they began to drink, and that decline was most likely due to physical diseases in the bodies (like cancer) not to the alcohol itself. Even amongst all the alcohol use statistics and studies of how toxic, addictive and harmful alcohol can be, we must understand that the best method to get most benefit is not use it. In our video presentation, we will briefly look at some of the ways alcohol can affect brain, and then work with you to create an ideal, healthy and functional brain through our simple two-level plan of action. First, there are many ways alcohol is bad for the environment such as causing harmful odors, pollutants, air pollution and noise pollution. Not only is this causing harm to other people around you, but it is also not healthy to the health of brain. While most people have an idea from their schooling of being able to see all types of colors, the brain also receives input from more than 7 senses and each can be used as an extra filter. To maintain balance, you must work with your mind, mind-body-spirit combination and balance between them. This includes meditation, relaxation and mindfulness practice, which can promote the flow of information to your brain and help it learn. We cannot expect certain people of our lifestyle to "get it" all at once. 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